Source code for requirementslib.models.lockfile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import copy
import itertools
import os

import attr
import plette.lockfiles
import six
from vistir.compat import FileNotFoundError, JSONDecodeError, Path

from ..exceptions import LockfileCorruptException, MissingParameter, PipfileNotFound
from ..utils import is_editable, is_vcs, merge_items
from .project import ProjectFile
from .requirements import Requirement
from .utils import optional_instance_of

DEFAULT_NEWLINES = six.text_type("\n")

[docs]def preferred_newlines(f): if isinstance(f.newlines, six.text_type): return f.newlines return DEFAULT_NEWLINES
is_lockfile = optional_instance_of(plette.lockfiles.Lockfile) is_projectfile = optional_instance_of(ProjectFile)
[docs]@attr.s(slots=True) class Lockfile(object): path = attr.ib(validator=optional_instance_of(Path), type=Path) _requirements = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list), type=list) _dev_requirements = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list), type=list) projectfile = attr.ib(validator=is_projectfile, type=ProjectFile) _lockfile = attr.ib(validator=is_lockfile, type=plette.lockfiles.Lockfile) newlines = attr.ib(default=DEFAULT_NEWLINES, type=six.text_type) @path.default def _get_path(self): return Path(os.curdir).joinpath("Pipfile.lock").absolute() @projectfile.default def _get_projectfile(self): return self.load_projectfile(self.path) @_lockfile.default def _get_lockfile(self): return self.projectfile.model @property def lockfile(self): return self._lockfile @property def section_keys(self): return ["default", "develop"] @property def extended_keys(self): return [k for k in itertools.product(self.section_keys, ["", "vcs", "editable"])]
[docs] def get(self, k): return self.__getitem__(k)
def __contains__(self, k): check_lockfile = k in self.extended_keys or self.lockfile.__contains__(k) if check_lockfile: return True return super(Lockfile, self).__contains__(k) def __setitem__(self, k, v): lockfile = self._lockfile lockfile.__setitem__(k, v) def __getitem__(self, k, *args, **kwargs): retval = None lockfile = self._lockfile section = None pkg_type = None try: retval = lockfile[k] except KeyError: if "-" in k: section, _, pkg_type = k.rpartition("-") vals = getattr(lockfile.get(section, {}), "_data", {}) if pkg_type == "vcs": retval = {k: v for k, v in vals.items() if is_vcs(v)} elif pkg_type == "editable": retval = {k: v for k, v in vals.items() if is_editable(v)} if retval is None: raise else: retval = getattr(retval, "_data", retval) return retval def __getattr__(self, k, *args, **kwargs): retval = None lockfile = super(Lockfile, self).__getattribute__("_lockfile") try: return super(Lockfile, self).__getattribute__(k) except AttributeError: retval = getattr(lockfile, k, None) if retval is not None: return retval return super(Lockfile, self).__getattribute__(k, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_deps(self, dev=False, only=True): deps = {} if dev: deps.update(self.develop._data) if only: return deps deps = merge_items([deps, self.default._data]) return deps
[docs] @classmethod def read_projectfile(cls, path): """Read the specified project file and provide an interface for writing/updating. :param str path: Path to the target file. :return: A project file with the model and location for interaction :rtype: :class:`~requirementslib.models.project.ProjectFile` """ pf =, plette.lockfiles.Lockfile, invalid_ok=True) return pf
[docs] @classmethod def lockfile_from_pipfile(cls, pipfile_path): from .pipfile import Pipfile if os.path.isfile(pipfile_path): if not os.path.isabs(pipfile_path): pipfile_path = os.path.abspath(pipfile_path) pipfile = Pipfile.load(os.path.dirname(pipfile_path)) return plette.lockfiles.Lockfile.with_meta_from(pipfile._pipfile) raise PipfileNotFound(pipfile_path)
[docs] @classmethod def load_projectfile(cls, path, create=True, data=None): """Given a path, load or create the necessary lockfile. :param str path: Path to the project root or lockfile :param bool create: Whether to create the lockfile if not found, defaults to True :raises OSError: Thrown if the project root directory doesn't exist :raises FileNotFoundError: Thrown if the lockfile doesn't exist and ``create=False`` :return: A project file instance for the supplied project :rtype: :class:`~requirementslib.models.project.ProjectFile` """ if not path: path = os.curdir path = Path(path).absolute() project_path = path if path.is_dir() else path.parent lockfile_path = path if path.is_file() else project_path / "Pipfile.lock" if not project_path.exists(): raise OSError("Project does not exist: %s" % project_path.as_posix()) elif not lockfile_path.exists() and not create: raise FileNotFoundError( "Lockfile does not exist: %s" % lockfile_path.as_posix() ) projectfile = cls.read_projectfile(lockfile_path.as_posix()) if not lockfile_path.exists(): if not data: path_str = lockfile_path.as_posix() if path_str[-5:] == ".lock": pipfile = Path(path_str[:-5]) else: pipfile = project_path.joinpath("Pipfile") lf = cls.lockfile_from_pipfile(pipfile) else: lf = plette.lockfiles.Lockfile(data) projectfile.model = lf return projectfile
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, path, data, meta_from_project=True): """Create a new lockfile instance from a dictionary. :param str path: Path to the project root. :param dict data: Data to load into the lockfile. :param bool meta_from_project: Attempt to populate the meta section from the project root, default True. """ if path is None: raise MissingParameter("path") if data is None: raise MissingParameter("data") if not isinstance(data, dict): raise TypeError("Expecting a dictionary for parameter 'data'") path = os.path.abspath(str(path)) if os.path.isdir(path): project_path = path elif not os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)): project_path = os.path.dirname(path) pipfile_path = os.path.join(project_path, "Pipfile") lockfile_path = os.path.join(project_path, "Pipfile.lock") if meta_from_project: lockfile = cls.lockfile_from_pipfile(pipfile_path) lockfile.update(data) else: lockfile = plette.lockfiles.Lockfile(data) projectfile = ProjectFile( line_ending=DEFAULT_NEWLINES, location=lockfile_path, model=lockfile ) return cls( projectfile=projectfile, lockfile=lockfile, newlines=projectfile.line_ending, path=Path(projectfile.location), )
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path, create=True): """Create a new lockfile instance. :param project_path: Path to project root or lockfile :type project_path: str or :class:`pathlib.Path` :param str lockfile_name: Name of the lockfile in the project root directory :param pipfile_path: Path to the project pipfile :type pipfile_path: :class:`pathlib.Path` :returns: A new lockfile representing the supplied project paths :rtype: :class:`~requirementslib.models.lockfile.Lockfile` """ try: projectfile = cls.load_projectfile(path, create=create) except JSONDecodeError: path = os.path.abspath(path) path = Path( os.path.join(path, "Pipfile.lock") if os.path.isdir(path) else path ) formatted_path = path.as_posix() backup_path = "%s.bak" % formatted_path, backup_path=backup_path) path.rename(backup_path) cls.load(formatted_path, create=True) lockfile_path = Path(projectfile.location) creation_args = { "projectfile": projectfile, "lockfile": projectfile.model, "newlines": projectfile.line_ending, "path": lockfile_path, } return cls(**creation_args)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, path, create=True): return cls.load(path, create=create)
@property def develop(self): return self._lockfile.develop @property def default(self): return self._lockfile.default
[docs] def get_requirements(self, dev=True, only=False): """Produces a generator which generates requirements from the desired section. :param bool dev: Indicates whether to use dev requirements, defaults to False :return: Requirements from the relevant the relevant pipfile :rtype: :class:`~requirementslib.models.requirements.Requirement` """ deps = self.get_deps(dev=dev, only=only) for k, v in deps.items(): yield Requirement.from_pipfile(k, v)
@property def dev_requirements(self): if not self._dev_requirements: self._dev_requirements = list(self.get_requirements(dev=True, only=True)) return self._dev_requirements @property def requirements(self): if not self._requirements: self._requirements = list(self.get_requirements(dev=False, only=True)) return self._requirements @property def dev_requirements_list(self): return [{name: entry._data} for name, entry in self._lockfile.develop.items()] @property def requirements_list(self): return [{name: entry._data} for name, entry in self._lockfile.default.items()]
[docs] def write(self): self.projectfile.model = copy.deepcopy(self._lockfile) self.projectfile.write()
[docs] def as_requirements(self, include_hashes=False, dev=False): """Returns a list of requirements in pip-style format""" lines = [] section = self.dev_requirements if dev else self.requirements for req in section: kwargs = {"include_hashes": include_hashes} if req.editable: kwargs["include_markers"] = False r = req.as_line(**kwargs) lines.append(r.strip()) return lines