Source code for requirementslib.models.url

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import attr
import pip_shims.shims
from orderedmultidict import omdict
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote, unquote_plus, unquote as url_unquote
from urllib3 import util as urllib3_util
from urllib3.util import parse_url as urllib3_parse
from urllib3.util.url import Url

from ..environment import MYPY_RUNNING
from ..utils import is_installable_file
from .utils import extras_to_string, parse_extras

    from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Text, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
    from pip_shims.shims import Link
    from vistir.compat import Path

    _T = TypeVar("_T")
    STRING_TYPE = Union[bytes, str, Text]
    S = TypeVar("S", bytes, str, Text)

def _get_parsed_url(url):
    # type: (S) -> Url
    """This is a stand-in function for `urllib3.util.parse_url`

    The orignal function doesn't handle special characters very well, this simply splits
    out the authentication section, creates the parsed url, then puts the authentication
    section back in, bypassing validation.

    :return: The new, parsed URL object
    :rtype: :class:`~urllib3.util.url.Url`

        parsed = urllib3_parse(url)
    except ValueError:
        scheme, _, url = url.partition("://")
        auth, _, url = url.rpartition("@")
        url = "{scheme}://{url}".format(scheme=scheme, url=url)
        parsed = urllib3_parse(url)._replace(auth=auth)
    if parsed.auth:
        return parsed._replace(auth=url_unquote(parsed.auth))
    return parsed

[docs]def remove_password_from_url(url): # type: (S) -> S """Given a url, remove the password and insert 4 dashes. :param url: The url to replace the authentication in :type url: S :return: The new URL without authentication :rtype: S """ parsed = _get_parsed_url(url) if parsed.auth: auth, _, _ = parsed.auth.partition(":") return parsed._replace(auth="{auth}:----".format(auth=auth)).url return parsed.url
[docs]@attr.s(hash=True) class URI(object): #: The target hostname, e.g. `` host = attr.ib(type=str) #: The URI Scheme, e.g. `salesforce` scheme = attr.ib(default="https", type=str) #: The numeric port of the url if specified port = attr.ib(default=None, type=int) #: The url path, e.g. `/path/to/endpoint` path = attr.ib(default="", type=str) #: Query parameters, e.g. `?variable=value...` query = attr.ib(default="", type=str) #: URL Fragments, e.g. `#fragment=value` fragment = attr.ib(default="", type=str) #: Subdirectory fragment, e.g. `&subdirectory=blah...` subdirectory = attr.ib(default="", type=str) #: VCS ref this URI points at, if available ref = attr.ib(default="", type=str) #: The username if provided, parsed from `user:password@hostname` username = attr.ib(default="", type=str) #: Password parsed from `user:password@hostname` password = attr.ib(default="", type=str, repr=False) #: An orderedmultidict representing query fragments query_dict = attr.ib(factory=omdict, type=omdict) #: The name of the specified package in case it is a VCS URI with an egg fragment name = attr.ib(default="", type=str) #: Any extras requested from the requirement extras = attr.ib(factory=tuple, type=tuple) #: Whether the url was parsed as a direct pep508-style URL is_direct_url = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) #: Whether the url was an implicit `git+ssh` url (passed as `git+git@`) is_implicit_ssh = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) _auth = attr.ib(default=None, type=str, repr=False) _fragment_dict = attr.ib(factory=dict, type=dict) _username_is_quoted = attr.ib(type=bool, default=False) _password_is_quoted = attr.ib(type=bool, default=False) def _parse_query(self): # type: () -> URI query = self.query if self.query is not None else "" query_dict = omdict() queries = query.split("&") query_items = [] subdirectory = self.subdirectory if self.subdirectory else None for q in queries: key, _, val = q.partition("=") val = unquote_plus(val) if key == "subdirectory" and not subdirectory: subdirectory = val else: query_items.append((key, val)) query_dict.load(query_items) return attr.evolve( self, query_dict=query_dict, subdirectory=subdirectory, query=query ) def _parse_fragment(self): # type: () -> URI subdirectory = self.subdirectory if self.subdirectory else "" fragment = self.fragment if self.fragment else "" if self.fragment is None: return self fragments = self.fragment.split("&") fragment_items = {} name = if else "" extras = self.extras for q in fragments: key, _, val = q.partition("=") val = unquote_plus(val) fragment_items[key] = val if key == "egg": from .utils import parse_extras name, stripped_extras = pip_shims.shims._strip_extras(val) if stripped_extras: extras = tuple(parse_extras(stripped_extras)) elif key == "subdirectory": subdirectory = val return attr.evolve( self, fragment_dict=fragment_items, subdirectory=subdirectory, fragment=fragment, extras=extras, name=name, ) def _parse_auth(self): # type: () -> URI if self._auth: username, _, password = self._auth.partition(":") username_is_quoted, password_is_quoted = False, False quoted_username, quoted_password = "", "" if password: quoted_password = quote(password) password_is_quoted = quoted_password != password if username: quoted_username = quote(username) username_is_quoted = quoted_username != username return attr.evolve( self, username=quoted_username, password=quoted_password, username_is_quoted=username_is_quoted, password_is_quoted=password_is_quoted, ) return self
[docs] def get_password(self, unquote=False, include_token=True): # type: (bool, bool) -> str password = self.password if self.password else "" if password and unquote and self._password_is_quoted: password = url_unquote(password) return password
[docs] def get_username(self, unquote=False): # type: (bool) -> str username = self.username if self.username else "" if username and unquote and self._username_is_quoted: username = url_unquote(username) return username
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_subdirectory(url_part): # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]] subdir = None if "&subdirectory" in url_part: url_part, _, subdir = url_part.rpartition("&") if "#egg=" not in url_part: subdir = "#{0}".format(subdir.strip()) else: subdir = "&{0}".format(subdir.strip()) return url_part.strip(), subdir
[docs] @classmethod def get_parsed_url(cls, url): # if there is a "#" in the auth section, this could break url parsing parsed_url = _get_parsed_url(url) if "@" in url and "#" in url: scheme = "{0}://".format(parsed_url.scheme) if parsed_url.scheme == "file": scheme = "{0}/".format(scheme) url_without_scheme = url.replace(scheme, "") maybe_auth, _, maybe_url = url_without_scheme.partition("@") if "#" in maybe_auth and (not or "." not in new_parsed_url = _get_parsed_url("{0}{1}".format(scheme, maybe_url)) new_parsed_url = new_parsed_url._replace(auth=maybe_auth) return new_parsed_url return parsed_url
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, url): # type: (S) -> URI from .utils import DIRECT_URL_RE, split_ref_from_uri is_direct_url = False name_with_extras = None is_implicit_ssh = url.strip().startswith("git+git@") if is_implicit_ssh: from ..utils import add_ssh_scheme_to_git_uri url = add_ssh_scheme_to_git_uri(url) direct_match = DIRECT_URL_RE.match(url) if direct_match is not None: is_direct_url = True name_with_extras, _, url = url.partition("@") name_with_extras = name_with_extras.strip() url, ref = split_ref_from_uri(url.strip()) if "file:/" in url and "file:///" not in url: url = url.replace("file:/", "file:///") parsed = cls.get_parsed_url(url) # if there is a "#" in the auth section, this could break url parsing if not (parsed.scheme and # check if this is a file uri if not ( parsed.scheme and parsed.path and (parsed.scheme == "file" or parsed.scheme.endswith("+file")) ): raise ValueError("Failed parsing URL {0!r} - Not a valid url".format(url)) parsed_dict = dict(parsed._asdict()).copy() parsed_dict["is_direct_url"] = is_direct_url parsed_dict["is_implicit_ssh"] = is_implicit_ssh parsed_dict.update( **update_url_name_and_fragment(name_with_extras, ref, parsed_dict) ) # type: ignore return cls(**parsed_dict)._parse_auth()._parse_query()._parse_fragment()
[docs] def to_string( self, escape_password=True, # type: bool unquote=True, # type: bool direct=None, # type: Optional[bool] strip_ssh=False, # type: bool strip_ref=False, # type: bool strip_name=False, # type: bool strip_subdir=False, # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> str """Converts the current URI to a string, unquoting or escaping the password as needed. :param escape_password: Whether to replace password with ``----``, default True :param escape_password: bool, optional :param unquote: Whether to unquote url-escapes in the password, default False :param unquote: bool, optional :param bool direct: Whether to format as a direct URL :param bool strip_ssh: Whether to strip the SSH scheme from the url (git only) :param bool strip_ref: Whether to drop the VCS ref (if present) :param bool strip_name: Whether to drop the name and extras (if present) :param bool strip_subdir: Whether to drop the subdirectory (if present) :return: The reconstructed string representing the URI :rtype: str """ if direct is None: direct = self.is_direct_url if escape_password: password = "----" if self.password else "" if password: username = self.get_username(unquote=unquote) elif self.username: username = "----" else: username = "" else: password = self.get_password(unquote=unquote) username = self.get_username(unquote=unquote) auth = "" if username: if password: auth = "{username}:{password}@".format( password=password, username=username ) else: auth = "{username}@".format(username=username) query = "" if self.query: query = "{query}?{self.query}".format(query=query, self=self) subdir_prefix = "#" if not direct: if and not strip_name: fragment = "#egg={self.name_with_extras}".format(self=self) subdir_prefix = "&" elif not strip_name and ( self.extras and self.scheme and self.scheme.startswith("file") ): from .utils import extras_to_string fragment = extras_to_string(self.extras) else: fragment = "" query = "{query}{fragment}".format(query=query, fragment=fragment) if self.subdirectory and not strip_subdir: query = "{query}{subdir_prefix}subdirectory={self.subdirectory}".format( query=query, subdir_prefix=subdir_prefix, self=self ) host_port_path = self.get_host_port_path(strip_ref=strip_ref) url = "{self.scheme}://{auth}{host_port_path}{query}".format( self=self, auth=auth, host_port_path=host_port_path, query=query ) if strip_ssh: from ..utils import strip_ssh_from_git_uri url = strip_ssh_from_git_uri(url) if and direct and not strip_name: return "{self.name_with_extras}@ {url}".format(self=self, url=url) return url
[docs] def get_host_port_path(self, strip_ref=False): # type: (bool) -> str host = if else "" if self.port is not None: host = "{host}:{self.port!s}".format(host=host, self=self) path = "{self.path}".format(self=self) if self.path else "" if self.ref and not strip_ref: path = "{path}@{self.ref}".format(path=path, self=self) return "{host}{path}".format(host=host, path=path)
@property def hidden_auth(self): # type: () -> str auth = "" if self.username and self.password: password = "****" username = self.get_username(unquote=True) auth = "{username}:{password}".format(username=username, password=password) elif self.username and not self.password: auth = "****" return auth @property def name_with_extras(self): # type: () -> str from .utils import extras_to_string if not return "" extras = extras_to_string(self.extras) return "{}{extras}".format(self=self, extras=extras) @property def as_link(self): # type: () -> Link link = pip_shims.shims.Link( self.to_string(escape_password=False, strip_ssh=False, direct=False) ) return link @property def bare_url(self): # type: () -> str return self.to_string( escape_password=False, strip_ssh=self.is_implicit_ssh, direct=False, strip_name=True, strip_ref=True, strip_subdir=True, ) @property def url_without_fragment_or_ref(self): # type: () -> str return self.to_string( escape_password=False, strip_ssh=self.is_implicit_ssh, direct=False, strip_name=True, strip_ref=True, ) @property def url_without_fragment(self): # type: () -> str return self.to_string( escape_password=False, strip_ssh=self.is_implicit_ssh, direct=False, strip_name=True, ) @property def url_without_ref(self): # type: () -> str return self.to_string( escape_password=False, strip_ssh=self.is_implicit_ssh, direct=False, strip_ref=True, ) @property def base_url(self): # type: () -> str return self.to_string( escape_password=False, strip_ssh=self.is_implicit_ssh, direct=False, unquote=False, ) @property def full_url(self): # type: () -> str return self.to_string(escape_password=False, strip_ssh=False, direct=False) @property def secret(self): # type: () -> str return self.full_url @property def safe_string(self): # type: () -> str return self.to_string(escape_password=True, unquote=True) @property def unsafe_string(self): # type: () -> str return self.to_string(escape_password=False, unquote=True) @property def uri_escape(self): # type: () -> str return self.to_string(escape_password=False, unquote=False) @property def is_installable(self): # type: () -> bool return self.is_file_url and is_installable_file(self.bare_url) @property def is_vcs(self): # type: () -> bool from ..utils import VCS_SCHEMES return self.scheme in VCS_SCHEMES @property def is_file_url(self): # type: () -> bool return all([self.scheme, self.scheme == "file"]) def __str__(self): # type: () -> str return self.to_string(escape_password=True, unquote=True)
[docs]def update_url_name_and_fragment(name_with_extras, ref, parsed_dict): # type: (Optional[str], Optional[str], Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]] if name_with_extras: fragment = "" # type: Optional[str] parsed_extras = () name, extras = pip_shims.shims._strip_extras(name_with_extras) if extras: parsed_extras = parsed_extras + tuple(parse_extras(extras)) if parsed_dict["fragment"] is not None: fragment = "{0}".format(parsed_dict["fragment"]) if fragment.startswith("egg="): _, _, fragment_part = fragment.partition("=") fragment_name, fragment_extras = pip_shims.shims._strip_extras( fragment_part ) name = name if name else fragment_name if fragment_extras: parsed_extras = parsed_extras + tuple(parse_extras(fragment_extras)) name_with_extras = "{0}{1}".format(name, extras_to_string(parsed_extras)) elif ( parsed_dict.get("path") is not None and "&subdirectory" in parsed_dict["path"] ): path, fragment = URI.parse_subdirectory(parsed_dict["path"]) # type: ignore parsed_dict["path"] = path elif ref is not None and "&subdirectory" in ref: ref, fragment = URI.parse_subdirectory(ref) parsed_dict["name"] = name parsed_dict["extras"] = parsed_extras if ref: parsed_dict["ref"] = ref.strip() return parsed_dict