Source code for requirementslib.models.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import io
import os
import re
import string
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain, groupby

import six
import tomlkit
from attr import validators
from packaging.markers import InvalidMarker, Marker, Op, Value, Variable
from packaging.specifiers import InvalidSpecifier, Specifier, SpecifierSet
from packaging.version import parse as parse_version
from plette.models import Package, PackageCollection
from tomlkit.container import Container
from tomlkit.items import AoT, Array, Bool, InlineTable, Item, String, Table
from urllib3 import util as urllib3_util
from urllib3.util import parse_url as urllib3_parse
from vistir.compat import lru_cache
from vistir.misc import dedup
from vistir.path import is_valid_url

from ..environment import MYPY_RUNNING
from ..utils import SCHEME_LIST, VCS_LIST, is_star

    from attr import _ValidatorType  # noqa
    from packaging.requirements import Requirement as PackagingRequirement
    from pip_shims.shims import Link
    from pkg_resources import Requirement as PkgResourcesRequirement
    from pkg_resources.extern.packaging.markers import (
        Op as PkgResourcesOp,
        Variable as PkgResourcesVariable,
        Value as PkgResourcesValue,
        Marker as PkgResourcesMarker,
    from typing import (
        Iterable,  # noqa
    from urllib3.util.url import Url
    from vistir.compat import Path

    _T = TypeVar("_T")
    TMarker = Union[Marker, PkgResourcesMarker]
    TVariable = TypeVar("TVariable", PkgResourcesVariable, Variable)
    TValue = TypeVar("TValue", PkgResourcesValue, Value)
    TOp = TypeVar("TOp", PkgResourcesOp, Op)
    MarkerTuple = Tuple[TVariable, TOp, TValue]
    TRequirement = Union[PackagingRequirement, PkgResourcesRequirement]
    STRING_TYPE = Union[bytes, str, Text]
    TOML_DICT_TYPES = Union[Container, Package, PackageCollection, Table, InlineTable]
    S = TypeVar("S", bytes, str, Text)

TOML_DICT_OBJECTS = (Container, Package, Table, InlineTable, PackageCollection)
TOML_DICT_NAMES = [o.__class__.__name__ for o in TOML_DICT_OBJECTS]

HASH_STRING = " --hash={0}"

ALPHA_NUMERIC = r"[{0}{1}]".format(string.ascii_letters, string.digits)
PUNCTUATION = r"[\-_\.]"
ALPHANUM_PUNCTUATION = r"[{0}{1}\-_\.]".format(string.ascii_letters, string.digits)
REF = r"[{0}{1}\-\_\./]".format(string.ascii_letters, string.digits)
EXTRAS = r"(?P<extras>\[{0}(?:,{0})*\])".format(NAME)
NAME_WITH_EXTRAS = r"(?P<name>{0}){1}?".format(NAME, EXTRAS)
SUBDIR_RE = r"(?:[&#]subdirectory=(?P<subdirectory>.*))"
URL_NAME = r"(?:#egg={0})".format(NAME_WITH_EXTRAS)
REF_RE = r"(?:@(?P<ref>{0}+)?)".format(REF)
PATH_RE = r"(?P<pathsep>[:/])(?P<path>[^ @]+){0}?".format(REF_RE)
PASS_RE = r"(?:(?<=:)(?P<password>[^ ]+))"
AUTH_RE = r"(?:(?P<username>[^ ]+)[:@]{0}?@)".format(PASS_RE)
HOST_RE = r"(?:{0}?(?P<host>[^ ]+?\.?{1}+(?P<port>:\d+)?))?".format(
URL = r"(?P<scheme>[^ ]+://){0}{1}".format(HOST_RE, PATH_RE)
URL_RE = re.compile(r"{0}(?:{1}?{2}?)?".format(URL, URL_NAME, SUBDIR_RE))
DIRECT_URL_RE = re.compile(r"{0}\s?@\s?{1}".format(NAME_WITH_EXTRAS, URL))

[docs]def filter_none(k, v): # type: (AnyStr, Any) -> bool if v: return True return False
[docs]def filter_dict(dict_): # type: (Dict[AnyStr, Any]) -> Dict[AnyStr, Any] return {k: v for k, v in dict_.items() if filter_none(k, v)}
[docs]def optional_instance_of(cls): # type: (Any) -> _ValidatorType[Optional[_T]] return validators.optional(validators.instance_of(cls))
[docs]def tomlkit_value_to_python(toml_value): # type: (Union[Array, AoT, TOML_DICT_TYPES, Item]) -> Union[List, Dict] value_type = type(toml_value).__name__ if ( isinstance(toml_value, TOML_DICT_OBJECTS + (dict,)) or value_type in TOML_DICT_NAMES ): return tomlkit_dict_to_python(toml_value) elif isinstance(toml_value, AoT) or value_type == "AoT": return [tomlkit_value_to_python(val) for val in toml_value._body] elif isinstance(toml_value, Array) or value_type == "Array": return [tomlkit_value_to_python(val) for val in list(toml_value)] elif isinstance(toml_value, String) or value_type == "String": return "{0!s}".format(toml_value) elif isinstance(toml_value, Bool) or value_type == "Bool": return toml_value.value elif isinstance(toml_value, Item): return toml_value.value return toml_value
[docs]def tomlkit_dict_to_python(toml_dict): # type: (TOML_DICT_TYPES) -> Dict value_type = type(toml_dict).__name__ if toml_dict is None: raise TypeError("Invalid type NoneType when converting toml dict to python") converted = None # type: Optional[Dict] if isinstance(toml_dict, (InlineTable, Table)) or value_type in ( "InlineTable", "Table", ): converted = toml_dict.value elif isinstance(toml_dict, (Package, PackageCollection)) or value_type in ( "Package, PackageCollection" ): converted = toml_dict._data if isinstance(converted, Container) or type(converted).__name__ == "Container": converted = converted.value elif isinstance(toml_dict, Container) or value_type == "Container": converted = toml_dict.value elif isinstance(toml_dict, dict): converted = toml_dict.copy() else: raise TypeError( "Invalid type for conversion: expected Container, Dict, or Table, " "got {0!r}".format(toml_dict) ) if isinstance(converted, dict): return {k: tomlkit_value_to_python(v) for k, v in converted.items()} elif isinstance(converted, (TOML_DICT_OBJECTS)) or value_type in TOML_DICT_NAMES: return tomlkit_dict_to_python(converted) return converted
[docs]def get_url_name(url): # type: (AnyStr) -> AnyStr """ Given a url, derive an appropriate name to use in a pipfile. :param str url: A url to derive a string from :returns: The name of the corresponding pipfile entry :rtype: Text """ if not isinstance(url, six.string_types): raise TypeError("Expected a string, got {0!r}".format(url)) return urllib3_util.parse_url(url).host
[docs]def init_requirement(name): # type: (AnyStr) -> TRequirement if not isinstance(name, six.string_types): raise TypeError("must supply a name to generate a requirement") from pkg_resources import Requirement req = Requirement.parse(name) req.vcs = None req.local_file = None req.revision = None req.path = None return req
[docs]def extras_to_string(extras): # type: (Iterable[S]) -> S """Turn a list of extras into a string :param List[str]] extras: a list of extras to format :return: A string of extras :rtype: str """ if isinstance(extras, six.string_types): if extras.startswith("["): return extras else: extras = [extras] if not extras: return "" return "[{0}]".format(",".join(sorted(set(extras)))) # type: ignore
[docs]def parse_extras(extras_str): # type: (AnyStr) -> List[AnyStr] """Turn a string of extras into a parsed extras list :param str extras_str: An extras string :return: A sorted list of extras :rtype: List[str] """ from pkg_resources import Requirement extras = Requirement.parse("fakepkg{0}".format(extras_to_string(extras_str))).extras return sorted(dedup([extra.lower() for extra in extras]))
[docs]def specs_to_string(specs): # type: (List[Union[STRING_TYPE, Specifier]]) -> AnyStr """Turn a list of specifier tuples into a string :param List[Union[Specifier, str]] specs: a list of specifiers to format :return: A string of specifiers :rtype: str """ if specs: if isinstance(specs, six.string_types): return specs try: extras = ",".join(["".join(spec) for spec in specs]) except TypeError: extras = ",".join(["".join(spec._spec) for spec in specs]) # type: ignore return extras return ""
[docs]def build_vcs_uri( vcs, # type: Optional[S] uri, # type: S name=None, # type: Optional[S] ref=None, # type: Optional[S] subdirectory=None, # type: Optional[S] extras=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[S]] ): # type: (...) -> STRING_TYPE if extras is None: extras = [] vcs_start = "" if vcs is not None: vcs_start = "{0}+".format(vcs) if not uri.startswith(vcs_start): uri = "{0}{1}".format(vcs_start, uri) if ref: uri = "{0}@{1}".format(uri, ref) if name: uri = "{0}#egg={1}".format(uri, name) if extras: extras_string = extras_to_string(extras) uri = "{0}{1}".format(uri, extras_string) if subdirectory: uri = "{0}&subdirectory={1}".format(uri, subdirectory) return uri
def _get_parsed_url(url): # type: (S) -> Url """ This is a stand-in function for `urllib3.util.parse_url` The orignal function doesn't handle special characters very well, this simply splits out the authentication section, creates the parsed url, then puts the authentication section back in, bypassing validation. :return: The new, parsed URL object :rtype: :class:`~urllib3.util.url.Url` """ try: parsed = urllib3_parse(url) except ValueError: scheme, _, url = url.partition("://") auth, _, url = url.rpartition("@") url = "{scheme}://{url}".format(scheme=scheme, url=url) parsed = urllib3_parse(url)._replace(auth=auth) return parsed
[docs]def convert_direct_url_to_url(direct_url): # type: (AnyStr) -> AnyStr """Converts direct URLs to standard, link-style URLs Given a direct url as defined by *PEP 508*, convert to a :class:`~pip_shims.shims.Link` compatible URL by moving the name and extras into an **egg_fragment**. :param str direct_url: A pep-508 compliant direct url. :return: A reformatted URL for use with Link objects and :class:`~pip_shims.shims.InstallRequirement` objects. :rtype: AnyStr """ direct_match = DIRECT_URL_RE.match(direct_url) # type: Optional[Match] if direct_match is None: url_match = URL_RE.match(direct_url) if url_match or is_valid_url(direct_url): return direct_url match_dict = ( {} ) # type: Dict[STRING_TYPE, Union[Tuple[STRING_TYPE, ...], STRING_TYPE]] if direct_match is not None: match_dict = direct_match.groupdict() # type: ignore if not match_dict: raise ValueError( "Failed converting value to normal URL, is it a direct URL? {0!r}".format( direct_url ) ) url_segments = [match_dict.get(s) for s in ("scheme", "host", "path", "pathsep")] url = "" # type: STRING_TYPE url = "".join([s for s in url_segments if s is not None]) # type: ignore new_url = build_vcs_uri( None, url, ref=match_dict.get("ref"), name=match_dict.get("name"), extras=match_dict.get("extras"), subdirectory=match_dict.get("subdirectory"), ) return new_url
[docs]def convert_url_to_direct_url(url, name=None): # type: (AnyStr, Optional[AnyStr]) -> AnyStr """ Converts normal link-style URLs to direct urls. Given a :class:`~pip_shims.shims.Link` compatible URL, convert to a direct url as defined by *PEP 508* by extracting the name and extras from the **egg_fragment**. :param AnyStr url: A :class:`~pip_shims.shims.InstallRequirement` compliant URL. :param Optiona[AnyStr] name: A name to use in case the supplied URL doesn't provide one. :return: A pep-508 compliant direct url. :rtype: AnyStr :raises ValueError: Raised when the URL can't be parsed or a name can't be found. :raises TypeError: When a non-string input is provided. """ if not isinstance(url, six.string_types): raise TypeError( "Expected a string to convert to a direct url, got {0!r}".format(url) ) direct_match = DIRECT_URL_RE.match(url) if direct_match: return url url_match = URL_RE.match(url) if url_match is None or not url_match.groupdict(): raise ValueError("Failed parse a valid URL from {0!r}".format(url)) match_dict = url_match.groupdict() url_segments = [match_dict.get(s) for s in ("scheme", "host", "path", "pathsep")] name = match_dict.get("name", name) extras = match_dict.get("extras") new_url = "" if extras and not name: url_segments.append(extras) elif extras and name: new_url = "{0}{1}@ ".format(name, extras) else: if name is not None: new_url = "{0}@ ".format(name) else: raise ValueError( "Failed to construct direct url: " "No name could be parsed from {0!r}".format(url) ) if match_dict.get("ref"): url_segments.append("@{0}".format(match_dict.get("ref"))) url = "".join([s for s in url if s is not None]) url = "{0}{1}".format(new_url, url) return url
[docs]def get_version(pipfile_entry): # type: (Union[STRING_TYPE, Dict[STRING_TYPE, Union[STRING_TYPE, bool, Iterable[STRING_TYPE]]]]) -> STRING_TYPE if str(pipfile_entry) == "{}" or is_star(pipfile_entry): return "" if hasattr(pipfile_entry, "keys") and "version" in pipfile_entry: if is_star(pipfile_entry.get("version")): return "" return pipfile_entry.get("version", "").strip().lstrip("(").rstrip(")") if isinstance(pipfile_entry, six.string_types): return pipfile_entry.strip().lstrip("(").rstrip(")") return ""
[docs]def strip_extras_markers_from_requirement(req): # type: (TRequirement) -> TRequirement """ Strips extras markers from requirement instances. Given a :class:`~packaging.requirements.Requirement` instance with markers defining *extra == 'name'*, strip out the extras from the markers and return the cleaned requirement :param PackagingRequirement req: A packaging requirement to clean :return: A cleaned requirement :rtype: PackagingRequirement """ if req is None: raise TypeError("Must pass in a valid requirement, received {0!r}".format(req)) if getattr(req, "marker", None) is not None: marker = req.marker # type: TMarker marker._markers = _strip_extras_markers(marker._markers) if not marker._markers: req.marker = None else: req.marker = marker return req
def _strip_extras_markers(marker): # type: (Union[MarkerTuple, List[Union[MarkerTuple, str]]]) -> List[Union[MarkerTuple, str]] if marker is None or not isinstance(marker, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("Expecting a marker type, received {0!r}".format(marker)) markers_to_remove = [] # iterate forwards and generate a list of indexes to remove first, then reverse the # list so we can remove the text that normally occurs after (but we will already # be past it in the loop) for i, marker_list in enumerate(marker): if isinstance(marker_list, list): cleaned = _strip_extras_markers(marker_list) if not cleaned: markers_to_remove.append(i) elif isinstance(marker_list, tuple) and marker_list[0].value == "extra": markers_to_remove.append(i) for i in reversed(markers_to_remove): del marker[i] if i > 0 and marker[i - 1] == "and": del marker[i - 1] return marker
[docs]@lru_cache() def get_setuptools_version(): # type: () -> Optional[STRING_TYPE] import pkg_resources setuptools_dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution( pkg_resources.Requirement("setuptools") ) return getattr(setuptools_dist, "version", None)
[docs]def get_default_pyproject_backend(): # type: () -> STRING_TYPE st_version = get_setuptools_version() if st_version is not None: parsed_st_version = parse_version(st_version) if parsed_st_version >= parse_version("40.8.0"): return "setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__" return "setuptools.build_meta"
[docs]def get_pyproject(path): # type: (Union[STRING_TYPE, Path]) -> Optional[Tuple[List[STRING_TYPE], STRING_TYPE]] """ Given a base path, look for the corresponding ``pyproject.toml`` file and return its build_requires and build_backend. :param AnyStr path: The root path of the project, should be a directory (will be truncated) :return: A 2 tuple of build requirements and the build backend :rtype: Optional[Tuple[List[AnyStr], AnyStr]] """ if not path: return from vistir.compat import Path if not isinstance(path, Path): path = Path(path) if not path.is_dir(): path = path.parent pp_toml = path.joinpath("pyproject.toml") setup_py = path.joinpath("") if not pp_toml.exists(): if not setup_py.exists(): return None requires = ["setuptools>=40.8", "wheel"] backend = get_default_pyproject_backend() else: pyproject_data = {} with, encoding="utf-8") as fh: pyproject_data = tomlkit.loads( build_system = pyproject_data.get("build-system", None) if build_system is None: if setup_py.exists(): requires = ["setuptools>=40.8", "wheel"] backend = get_default_pyproject_backend() else: requires = ["setuptools>=40.8", "wheel"] backend = get_default_pyproject_backend() build_system = {"requires": requires, "build-backend": backend} pyproject_data["build_system"] = build_system else: requires = build_system.get("requires", ["setuptools>=40.8", "wheel"]) backend = build_system.get("build-backend", get_default_pyproject_backend()) return requires, backend
[docs]def split_markers_from_line(line): # type: (AnyStr) -> Tuple[AnyStr, Optional[AnyStr]] """Split markers from a dependency""" quote_chars = ["'", '"'] line_quote = next( iter(quote for quote in quote_chars if line.startswith(quote)), None ) if line_quote and line.endswith(line_quote): line = line.strip(line_quote) if not any(line.startswith(uri_prefix) for uri_prefix in SCHEME_LIST): marker_sep = ";" else: marker_sep = "; " markers = None if marker_sep in line: line, markers = line.split(marker_sep, 1) markers = markers.strip() if markers else None return line, markers
[docs]def split_vcs_method_from_uri(uri): # type: (AnyStr) -> Tuple[Optional[STRING_TYPE], STRING_TYPE] """Split a vcs+uri formatted uri into (vcs, uri)""" vcs_start = "{0}+" vcs = next( iter([vcs for vcs in VCS_LIST if uri.startswith(vcs_start.format(vcs))]), None ) if vcs: vcs, uri = uri.split("+", 1) return vcs, uri
[docs]def split_ref_from_uri(uri): # type: (AnyStr) -> Tuple[AnyStr, Optional[AnyStr]] """ Given a path or URI, check for a ref and split it from the path if it is present, returning a tuple of the original input and the ref or None. :param AnyStr uri: The path or URI to split :returns: A 2-tuple of the path or URI and the ref :rtype: Tuple[AnyStr, Optional[AnyStr]] """ if not isinstance(uri, six.string_types): raise TypeError("Expected a string, received {0!r}".format(uri)) parsed = _get_parsed_url(uri) path = parsed.path if parsed.path else "" scheme = parsed.scheme if parsed.scheme else "" ref = None if scheme != "file" and "@" in path: path, _, ref = path.rpartition("@") parsed = parsed._replace(path=path) return (parsed.url, ref)
[docs]def validate_vcs(instance, attr_, value): if value not in VCS_LIST: raise ValueError("Invalid vcs {0!r}".format(value))
[docs]def validate_path(instance, attr_, value): if not os.path.exists(value): raise ValueError("Invalid path {0!r}".format(value))
[docs]def validate_markers(instance, attr_, value): try: Marker("{0}{1}".format(, value)) except InvalidMarker: raise ValueError("Invalid Marker {0}{1}".format(attr_, value))
[docs]def validate_specifiers(instance, attr_, value): if value == "": return True try: SpecifierSet(value) except (InvalidMarker, InvalidSpecifier): raise ValueError("Invalid Specifiers {0}".format(value))
[docs]def key_from_ireq(ireq): """Get a standardized key for an InstallRequirement.""" if ireq.req is None and is not None: return str( else: return key_from_req(ireq.req)
[docs]def key_from_req(req): """Get an all-lowercase version of the requirement's name.""" if hasattr(req, "key"): # from pkg_resources, such as installed dists for pip-sync key = req.key else: # from packaging, such as install requirements from requirements.txt key = key = key.replace("_", "-").lower() return key
def _requirement_to_str_lowercase_name(requirement): """Formats a packaging.requirements.Requirement with a lowercase name. This is simply a copy of modified to lowercase the dependency name. Previously, we were invoking the original Requirement.__str__ method and lower-casing the entire result, which would lowercase the name, *and* other, important stuff that should not be lower-cased (such as the marker). See this issue for more information: """ parts = [] if requirement.extras: parts.append("[{0}]".format(",".join(sorted(requirement.extras)))) if requirement.specifier: parts.append(str(requirement.specifier)) if requirement.url: parts.append("@ {0}".format(requirement.url)) if requirement.marker: parts.append("; {0}".format(requirement.marker)) return "".join(parts)
[docs]def format_requirement(ireq): """Formats an `InstallRequirement` instance as a string. Generic formatter for pretty printing InstallRequirements to the terminal in a less verbose way than using its `__str__` method. :param :class:`InstallRequirement` ireq: A pip **InstallRequirement** instance. :return: A formatted string for prettyprinting :rtype: str """ if ireq.editable: line = "-e {}".format( else: line = _requirement_to_str_lowercase_name(ireq.req) if str(ireq.req.marker) != str(ireq.markers): if not ireq.req.marker: line = "{}; {}".format(line, ireq.markers) else: name, markers = line.split(";", 1) markers = markers.strip() line = "{}; ({}) and ({})".format(name, markers, ireq.markers) return line
[docs]def format_specifier(ireq): """Generic formatter for pretty printing specifiers. Pretty-prints specifiers from InstallRequirements for output to terminal. :param :class:`InstallRequirement` ireq: A pip **InstallRequirement** instance. :return: A string of specifiers in the given install requirement or <any> :rtype: str """ # TODO: Ideally, this is carried over to the pip library itself specs = ireq.specifier._specs if ireq.req is not None else [] specs = sorted(specs, key=lambda x: x._spec[1]) return ",".join(str(s) for s in specs) or "<any>"
[docs]def get_pinned_version(ireq): """Get the pinned version of an InstallRequirement. An InstallRequirement is considered pinned if: - Is not editable - It has exactly one specifier - That specifier is "==" - The version does not contain a wildcard Examples: django==1.8 # pinned django>1.8 # NOT pinned django~=1.8 # NOT pinned django==1.* # NOT pinned Raises `TypeError` if the input is not a valid InstallRequirement, or `ValueError` if the InstallRequirement is not pinned. """ try: specifier = ireq.specifier except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Expected InstallRequirement, not {}".format(type(ireq).__name__)) if getattr(ireq, "editable", False): raise ValueError("InstallRequirement is editable") if not specifier: raise ValueError("InstallRequirement has no version specification") if len(specifier._specs) != 1: raise ValueError("InstallRequirement has multiple specifications") op, version = next(iter(specifier._specs))._spec if op not in ("==", "===") or version.endswith(".*"): raise ValueError("InstallRequirement not pinned (is {0!r})".format(op + version)) return version
[docs]def is_pinned_requirement(ireq): """ Returns whether an InstallRequirement is a "pinned" requirement. An InstallRequirement is considered pinned if: - Is not editable - It has exactly one specifier - That specifier is "==" - The version does not contain a wildcard Examples: django==1.8 # pinned django>1.8 # NOT pinned django~=1.8 # NOT pinned django==1.* # NOT pinned """ try: get_pinned_version(ireq) except (TypeError, ValueError): return False return True
[docs]def as_tuple(ireq): """ Pulls out the (name: str, version:str, extras:(str)) tuple from the pinned InstallRequirement. """ if not is_pinned_requirement(ireq): raise TypeError("Expected a pinned InstallRequirement, got {}".format(ireq)) name = key_from_req(ireq.req) version = next(iter(ireq.specifier._specs))._spec[1] extras = tuple(sorted(ireq.extras)) return name, version, extras
[docs]def full_groupby(iterable, key=None): """ Like groupby(), but sorts the input on the group key first. """ return groupby(sorted(iterable, key=key), key=key)
[docs]def flat_map(fn, collection): """ Map a function over a collection and flatten the result by one-level """ return chain.from_iterable(map(fn, collection))
[docs]def lookup_table(values, key=None, keyval=None, unique=False, use_lists=False): """ Builds a dict-based lookup table (index) elegantly. Supports building normal and unique lookup tables. For example: >>> assert lookup_table( ... ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux'], lambda s: s[0]) == { ... 'b': {'bar', 'baz'}, ... 'f': {'foo'}, ... 'q': {'quux', 'qux'} ... } For key functions that uniquely identify values, set unique=True: >>> assert lookup_table( ... ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux'], lambda s: s[0], unique=True) == { ... 'b': 'baz', ... 'f': 'foo', ... 'q': 'quux' ... } The values of the resulting lookup table will be values, not sets. For extra power, you can even change the values while building up the LUT. To do so, use the `keyval` function instead of the `key` arg: >>> assert lookup_table( ... ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux'], ... keyval=lambda s: (s[0], s[1:])) == { ... 'b': {'ar', 'az'}, ... 'f': {'oo'}, ... 'q': {'uux', 'ux'} ... } """ if keyval is None: if key is None: keyval = lambda v: v else: keyval = lambda v: (key(v), v) if unique: return dict(keyval(v) for v in values) lut = {} for value in values: k, v = keyval(value) try: s = lut[k] except KeyError: if use_lists: s = lut[k] = list() else: s = lut[k] = set() if use_lists: s.append(v) else: s.add(v) return dict(lut)
[docs]def name_from_req(req): """Get the name of the requirement""" if hasattr(req, "project_name"): # from pkg_resources, such as installed dists for pip-sync return req.project_name else: # from packaging, such as install requirements from requirements.txt return
[docs]def make_install_requirement( name, version=None, extras=None, markers=None, constraint=False ): """ Generates an :class:`~pip._internal.req.req_install.InstallRequirement`. Create an InstallRequirement from the supplied metadata. :param name: The requirement's name. :type name: str :param version: The requirement version (must be pinned). :type version: str. :param extras: The desired extras. :type extras: list[str] :param markers: The desired markers, without a preceding semicolon. :type markers: str :param constraint: Whether to flag the requirement as a constraint, defaults to False. :param constraint: bool, optional :return: A generated InstallRequirement :rtype: :class:`~pip._internal.req.req_install.InstallRequirement` """ # If no extras are specified, the extras string is blank from pip_shims.shims import install_req_from_line extras_string = "" requirement_string = "{0}".format(name) if extras: # Sort extras for stability extras_string = "[{}]".format(",".join(sorted(extras))) requirement_string = "{0}{1}".format(requirement_string, extras_string) if version: requirement_string = "{0}=={1}".format(requirement_string, str(version)) if markers: requirement_string = "{0}; {1}".format(requirement_string, str(markers)) return install_req_from_line(requirement_string, constraint=constraint)
[docs]def version_from_ireq(ireq): """version_from_ireq Extract the version from a supplied :class:`~pip._internal.req.req_install.InstallRequirement` :param ireq: An InstallRequirement :type ireq: :class:`~pip._internal.req.req_install.InstallRequirement` :return: The version of the InstallRequirement. :rtype: str """ return next(iter(ireq.specifier._specs)).version
def _get_requires_python(candidate): # type: (Any) -> str requires_python = getattr(candidate, "requires_python", None) if requires_python is not None: link = getattr(candidate, "location", getattr(candidate, "link", None)) requires_python = getattr(link, "requires_python", None) return requires_python
[docs]def clean_requires_python(candidates): """Get a cleaned list of all the candidates with valid specifiers in the `requires_python` attributes.""" all_candidates = [] sys_version = ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])) from packaging.version import parse as parse_version py_version = parse_version(os.environ.get("PIP_PYTHON_VERSION", sys_version)) for c in candidates: requires_python = _get_requires_python(c) if requires_python: # Old specifications had people setting this to single digits # which is effectively the same as '>=digit,<digit+1' if requires_python.isdigit(): requires_python = ">={0},<{1}".format( requires_python, int(requires_python) + 1 ) try: specifierset = SpecifierSet(requires_python) except InvalidSpecifier: continue else: if not specifierset.contains(py_version): continue all_candidates.append(c) return all_candidates
[docs]def fix_requires_python_marker(requires_python): from packaging.requirements import Requirement as PackagingRequirement marker_str = "" if any(requires_python.startswith(op) for op in Specifier._operators.keys()): spec_dict = defaultdict(set) # We are checking first if we have leading specifier operator # if not, we can assume we should be doing a == comparison specifierset = list(SpecifierSet(requires_python)) # for multiple specifiers, the correct way to represent that in # a specifierset is `Requirement('fakepkg; python_version<"3.0,>=2.6"')` marker_key = Variable("python_version") for spec in specifierset: operator, val = spec._spec cleaned_val = Value(val).serialize().replace('"', "") spec_dict[Op(operator).serialize()].add(cleaned_val) marker_str = " and ".join( [ "{0}{1}'{2}'".format(marker_key.serialize(), op, ",".join(vals)) for op, vals in spec_dict.items() ] ) marker_to_add = PackagingRequirement("fakepkg; {0}".format(marker_str)).marker return marker_to_add
[docs]def normalize_name(pkg): # type: (AnyStr) -> AnyStr """Given a package name, return its normalized, non-canonicalized form. :param AnyStr pkg: The name of a package :return: A normalized package name :rtype: AnyStr """ assert isinstance(pkg, six.string_types) return pkg.replace("_", "-").lower()
[docs]def get_name_variants(pkg): # type: (STRING_TYPE) -> Set[STRING_TYPE] """ Given a packager name, get the variants of its name for both the canonicalized and "safe" forms. :param AnyStr pkg: The package to lookup :returns: A list of names. :rtype: Set """ if not isinstance(pkg, six.string_types): raise TypeError("must provide a string to derive package names") from pkg_resources import safe_name from packaging.utils import canonicalize_name pkg = pkg.lower() names = {safe_name(pkg), canonicalize_name(pkg), pkg.replace("-", "_")} return names
[docs]def read_source(path, encoding="utf-8"): # type: (S, S) -> S """ Read a source file and get the contents with proper encoding for Python 2/3. :param AnyStr path: the file path :param AnyStr encoding: the encoding that defaults to UTF-8 :returns: The contents of the source file :rtype: AnyStr """ if six.PY3: with open(path, "r", encoding=encoding) as fp: return else: with open(path, "r") as fp: return
[docs]def expand_env_variables(line): # type: (AnyStr) -> AnyStr """Expand the env vars in a line following pip's standard. Matches environment variable-style values in '${MY_VARIABLE_1}' with the variable name consisting of only uppercase letters, digits or the '_' """ def replace_with_env(match): value = os.getenv( return value if value else return re.sub(r"\$\{([A-Z0-9_]+)\}", replace_with_env, line)
SETUPTOOLS_SHIM = ( "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__=%r;" "f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);" "'\\r\\n', '\\n');" "f.close();" "exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'))" )