Source code for requirementslib.models.vcs

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import importlib
import os
import sys

import attr
import pip_shims
import six

from ..environment import MYPY_RUNNING
from .url import URI

    from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple

[docs]@attr.s(hash=True) class VCSRepository(object): DEFAULT_RUN_ARGS = None url = attr.ib() # type: str name = attr.ib() # type: str checkout_directory = attr.ib() # type: str vcs_type = attr.ib() # type: str parsed_url = attr.ib() # type: URI subdirectory = attr.ib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] commit_sha = attr.ib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] ref = attr.ib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] repo_backend = attr.ib() # type: Any clone_log = attr.ib(default=None) # type: Optional[str]
[docs] @parsed_url.default def get_parsed_url(self): # type: () -> URI return URI.parse(self.url)
[docs] @repo_backend.default def get_repo_backend(self): if self.DEFAULT_RUN_ARGS is None: default_run_args = self.monkeypatch_pip() else: default_run_args = self.DEFAULT_RUN_ARGS from pip_shims.shims import VcsSupport VCS_SUPPORT = VcsSupport() backend = VCS_SUPPORT.get_backend(self.vcs_type) # repo = backend(url=self.url) if backend.run_command.__func__.__defaults__ != default_run_args: backend.run_command.__func__.__defaults__ = default_run_args return backend
@property def is_local(self): # type: () -> bool url = self.url if "+" in url: url = url.split("+")[1] return url.startswith("file")
[docs] def obtain(self): # type: () -> None lt_pip_19_2 = ( pip_shims.parsed_pip_version.parsed_version < pip_shims.parse_version("19.2") ) if lt_pip_19_2: self.repo_backend = self.repo_backend(self.url) if os.path.exists( self.checkout_directory ) and not self.repo_backend.is_repository_directory(self.checkout_directory): self.repo_backend.unpack(self.checkout_directory) elif not os.path.exists(self.checkout_directory): if lt_pip_19_2: self.repo_backend.obtain(self.checkout_directory) else: self.repo_backend.obtain(self.checkout_directory, self.parsed_url) else: if self.ref: self.checkout_ref(self.ref) if not self.commit_sha: self.commit_sha = self.get_commit_hash()
[docs] def checkout_ref(self, ref): # type: (str) -> None rev_opts = self.repo_backend.make_rev_options(ref) if not any( [ self.repo_backend.is_commit_id_equal(self.checkout_directory, ref), self.repo_backend.is_commit_id_equal(self.checkout_directory, rev_opts), self.is_local, ] ): self.update(ref)
[docs] def update(self, ref): # type: (str) -> None target_ref = self.repo_backend.make_rev_options(ref) if pip_shims.parse_version(pip_shims.pip_version) > pip_shims.parse_version( "18.0" ): self.repo_backend.update(self.checkout_directory, self.url, target_ref) else: self.repo_backend.update(self.checkout_directory, target_ref) self.commit_sha = self.get_commit_hash()
[docs] def get_commit_hash(self, ref=None): # type: (Optional[str]) -> str with pip_shims.shims.global_tempdir_manager(): return self.repo_backend.get_revision(self.checkout_directory)
[docs] @classmethod def monkeypatch_pip(cls): # type: () -> Tuple[Any, ...] from pip_shims.compat import get_allowed_args target_module = pip_shims.shims.VcsSupport.__module__ pip_vcs = importlib.import_module(target_module) args, kwargs = get_allowed_args(pip_vcs.VersionControl.run_command) run_command_defaults = pip_vcs.VersionControl.run_command.__defaults__ if "show_stdout" not in args and "show_stdout" not in kwargs: new_defaults = run_command_defaults else: # set the default to not write stdout, the first option sets this value new_defaults = [False] + list(run_command_defaults)[1:] new_defaults = tuple(new_defaults) if six.PY3: try: pip_vcs.VersionControl.run_command.__defaults__ = new_defaults except AttributeError: pip_vcs.VersionControl.run_command.__func__.__defaults__ = new_defaults else: pip_vcs.VersionControl.run_command.__func__.__defaults__ = new_defaults sys.modules[target_module] = pip_vcs cls.DEFAULT_RUN_ARGS = new_defaults return new_defaults